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Contoh aplikasi bahasa assembly

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You are commenting using your Google account. Using 4 bits combinations possible which is 16 from 0 to You are commenting using your WordPress. Just make K Map for all the inputs of the 7 segment decoder using the table.

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So in order to show 8, 9 on display you need 4 bits. Using 3 bits the maximum number we can represent is 7. A 7 segment decoder can show maximum 9 in decimal format It can also show A to F in case of hexadecimal.

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We can follow similar procedure for the rest. From here we can get minimized expressions for a, b, c, d, e, f, g using K-MAP. But if it is we should connect 3rd pin in both top and bottom to ground. If it is common anode then 3rd pin in both top and bottom are VCC.

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Before we start implementing we first need to check if it is common anode or common cathode.